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Downtown Sailing Center: Where Sailing is for Everyone!

Recently the AYC Foundation visited our friends at Downtown Sailing Center (DSC) to watch the Friday afternoon race and certificate presentations to the campers at the end of  their weekly Summer Camp for Kids.  Invited by Rena Kazmierski, Director of Community Engagement and Eric Eppler, Secretary, DSC Board of Directors who attended our recent Friends & Family Event at AYC, Kathy Parks and Maggie Roesch eagerly accepted the invitation to visit DSC and meet the rest of the team.

Located on Key Highway in Baltimore near the Inner Harbor DSC provides quality education and life enriching programs that promote self-esteem and teamwork through the joy of sailing.  They have four programs:  Adult Ed, Adaptive Sailing, Membership and Summer Camp for Kids age 8-16.  The AYC Foundation funded a grant to DSC for scholarships to the Summer Camp for Kids.  These scholarships are critical to DSC being able to attract underserved kids in Baltimore who otherwise could not afford the camp tuition.

Oh boy, kids were everywhere.  Seven J22’s were competing in a race right in front of the sailing center.  Parents and friends were watching from the dock. It was puffy, windy and very challenging after a week of learning in light air.  The beginners sail 4 kids and 1 instructor…all together the entire week in their own J22.   They go from maybe never sailing before to knowing how to rig, de-rig, trim, crew and become an important part of their special team.  Many of the instructors came up through the camp ranks  and are part of their work force development program.  Intermediate campers attend for two weeks and by week two they are sailing their J22 without an instructor.  Any of us who have sailed J22’s can sympathize with the challenge of docking your boat in windy conditions with no engine.  Some of the Intermediates needed to make multiple approaches to return to the docks.

Once the boats were put away there was an awards presentation where the instructors introduced their teams and described each sailor’s contributions and unique qualities developed over the week.  It was heart warming to see the camaraderie, teamwork, esprit de corps and leadership developed after only one or two weeks.  It was a great opportunity for young instructors to try out their oratory skills in front of a crowd and their students reveled in the praise and recognition.

“I wish to express my gratitude to AYC Foundation for an endearing first-time experience attending Downtown Sailing Club 2024 sailing summer camp on an AYC Foundation scholarship through DSC.  We look forward…to ensuring Yusuf stays abreast and continues sailing on!”  (Parents of a camper)

“We have a special student who is ready for higher level sailing training.  We have taken him as far as we can.  Do you think you could arrange for him to attend the AYC Junior Program next summer on a scholarship?”  (Rena Kazmierski, Director of Community Engagement at DSC.)

“Thank you to our friends at the AYC Foundation for providing scholarships that allow area youth to attend our camps!” (DSC website)

Be sure to watch the interview with Emma Rosenbaum, Operations & Communications Manager at DSC.

Photo by parent Uche Egenti

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