By all accounts, the AYC Foundation's "Night of Olympians!" was a success beyond measure. Sailing enthusiasts from across the region were inspired by guest speakers Gary Jobson and Paul Cayard and several America's Cup and Olympic sailors in attendance. All came out to support Leo Boucher, Casey Cabot, and James Golden on their Olympic journey as well as other deserving members of our community.
By the numbers:
300 overall attendees
139 junior sailors
7 cool raffle items
6 Olympic sailors
4 America's Cup competitors
4 auction items
1 lively, live auction
$130K raised!
A common thread throughout the day was the investment all were making in sailing's future. As a result of the event's success, more grants can go to deserving amateur sailors and maritime-related 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organizations. In addition, more scholarships can be provided to local, underprivileged youth to participate in junior sailing.
Keep a look out for heartwarming stories from these worthy recipients and organizations on how the AYC and sailing community members' contributions are supporting their goals. In the meantime, we invite you to follow Leo, Casey, and James as they pursue their Olympic dreams.
Leo Boucher -->
Casey Cabot -->
James Golden -->
Stay tuned for more exciting events from the AYC Foundation. We're just getting started!