The Annapolis Yacht Club Foundation developed a strategic plan to raise a $5,000,000 endowment by 2028. The AYC Foundation Velocity Campaign was kicked off when the Roesch Family committed $500,000 as a match to the first $500,000 in donations this year. The Campaign underscores the Foundation’s commitment to providing access to the mid-Chesapeake Bay and supporting a diverse range of sailors through its grants and scholarships.
We believe that sailing can be a vehicle to a better life by opening doors for people, young and old, that may not have otherwise been opened. Absolutely anyone and everyone who wants to learn to sail should be provided that opportunity regardless of their circumstances. - Maggie & Marty Roesch
The AYCF Velocity Campaign Sails are Full!

The Velocity Campaign met its goal to have full sails in time for the AYC Commodore's Eggnog event! A special thank you to all who donated to the AYC Foundation Velocity Campaign and the AYC Foundation Annual Fund.
The Velocity Campaign is a five year plan to build a $5M endowment. Phase I, the "upwind leg,” was initiated by a $500,000 challenge donation from Maggie & Marty Roesch. This promise to match dollar for dollar everything we raise by the end of the year up to $500,000 was a great way to start the first, often most challenging, “leg of the race" and we made it to the first mark -- $1M!
The Velocity Campaign funds will exist in perpetuity with the investment income being used to expand our reach in the community. Contributions toward our Annual Fund provides the budget for grants to be awarded in 2025. In 2024, the Foundation awarded 21 scholarships for deserving kids in the community to attend certified sailing programs and 19 grants -- 9 to charitable organizations that get thousands of deserving people on the water and 10 for amateur sailors to participate in national and international events. Donations from our generous contributors --you!-- will enable the Foundation to broaden and deepen its reach in the community in 2025.
There is still time to contribute to this important first leg. All donations are tax-deductible. Donors contributing to the Velocity Campaign by December 31, 2024 will be recognized on a large plaque that will reside in the Sailing Center to commemorate completion of this important first leg of the campaign.
I would not be able to afford to sail without AYCF for both my high school sailing and summer sailing at the West River Sailing Club. I love sailing so much because it is so freeing and when you are on a boat the possibilities are endless. - Sarah, age 14

Fleet Admiral - $500,000
Admiral - $250,000
Vice Admiral - $100,000
Rear Admiral - $50,000
Captain - $25,000
Commander - $10,000
Lt Commander - $5,000
Lieutenant - $1,000
Ensign - $500
Our goal is to provide a safe, effective and fun training camp for veterans with disabilities. Sharing this sport and community is our way of saying thank you to these veterans for their service and sacrifice. - Cory Kapes, Warrior Sailing Program Manager